Edinburgh Street Photo Social

Edinburgh Street Photo Social

Street photography can be a lonesome endeavour. No longer!

Edinburgh’s Street Photo Social is a monthly photo walk run for and by street photographers in the Edinburgh area.

Join us on a weekend afternoon in Edinburgh. We'll walk a (vaguely) planned route for a couple of hours of shooting scenes and shooting the breeze. Everyone is welcome!

We share some of the photos from our walks, as well as info about upcoming events, on our Instagram account @streetphotosocial.

Next meetup

Saturday 8 June 2024, 1:30 - 3:30pm. Fountainbridge

Meet at Lochrin Basin, Fountainbridge

Next Meetup Flyer

Location: /// dance.overnight.glitz

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Meetup Archive


#9: Saturday Apr 27
West End to Old Town

#8: Saturday Mar 16


#7: Sunday Sept 17
Leith and The Shore

#6: Sunday Aug 13
Festival Special

#5: Sunday June 25
Water of Leith

#4: Sunday May 21
Calton Hill

#3: Sunday April 30
New Town to Old Town

#2: Sunday March 26
Southside / Old Town

#1: Sunday February 26
Old Town